Survivor-centred options for achieving justice in sexual assault matters

1 in 5 women experience sexual assault.

Justice can come in many forms.

We are here to help navigate your options, represent and advocate for you.

At Violet Co we are survivor-led. We use trauma-informed practice.


1 in 5 women experience sexual assault. This can lead to a life-long impact.

Justice can come in many forms. For each survivor this will be different. Some seek to find a way to ensure this can never happen to another woman or girl again while others focus on criminal, civil or administrative processes.

At Violet Co our team is led by survivors of sexual assault - our team includes Aboriginal women and passionate advocates.

We walk along-side you on your “justice journey” providing legal advice and representation.

* We acknowledge that sexual assault disproportionately impacts First Nations women, women experiencing disability, women of colour, lesbian, trans, non-binary and gender-diverse women. We also acknowledge that men and boys are sexually assaulted while recognising that sexual violence is gendered.

We acknowledge that sexual assault, harassment, discrimination and domestic and family violence are all on the same continuum of violence against women and male power.

What are some of your legal options?

None of these options are exclusive. You can consider multiple options depending on your experience. We offer advice and representation in all of these areas.


We appreciate that navigating the criminal process is challenging and traumatic. By working with Violet Co you can reduce the risk of further trauma by having us represent you, and walk hand in hand.

  • Support to understand the “system”

  • Support to report to Police

  • Case management to protect you from further trauma and re-victimisation


Sexual assault, harassment and discrimination in the workplace have specific processes and remedies under workplace law - in addition to these we can help you with:

  • Transformative mediation and strategic change process with the institution to prevent further instances

  • Restorative justice

Education and other institutions

Educational and other institutions often have their own internal processes and remedies for addressing sexual assault.

  • Transformative mediation and strategic change process with the institution to prevent further instances

  • Restorative justice


Civil litigation is increasingly becoming an option in sexual assault matters.

Victims Services

Victims Services (government body) can offer psychological, financial and recognition to survivors of sexual assault. This in itself can provide a sense of being believed - an important process in healing.

  • Help with your application

  • Representation at appeal

What is the process?

Step 1: We work in a survivor-led and trauma informed way. What this means is that we want to know how you want to work with us. Our client care form will guide all of our interactions with you to ensure we are doing what we can to minimise any re-victimisation or trauma.

Step 2: Intake assessment to understand your experience, what justice looks like for you and what options you have tried.

Step 3: Referral to complimentary services. We only refer to organisations that we have direct experience of. Our referrals are “warm” and we will follow these through with you. These include, but are not limited to:

We seek to avoid you having to re-tell your experience.

Step 4: Identify your “justice goals” and commence working side by side to support you achieve these.

Step 5: Plan out the way you would like to work with us to achieve your goals. This will involve deciding which course/s of action to take, how and when.

Step 6: Get started together. We work in a way that ensures you are in control of your matter. We schedule regular check-ins and communicate with you in a way that works for you. We follow our trauma informed approaches. You can read more about the way we work.

If you have experienced sexual assault, or are supporting a loved one or friend through it, please call Full Stop Australia for support 24/7 on 1800 FULLSTOP or 1800 385 578.

Speaking out and changing culture

We all want a society that respects women and girls - it is up to us to build it. Establishing a culture of respect takes empathy, empowerment and buy-in from the whole community. 

“1 in 5 women in Australia experience sexual violence. I am one of them. No school, business, organisation, community, institution or social status is exempt.” Karen Iles, Director & Principal Solicitor

Work with Violet Co using evidence and lived experience to shape programs that can transform your culture.

We offer three programs and change modules tailored to your needs:

  1. Believing and reclaiming

  2. Frameworks for hope

  3. Co-creating culture shifts

Survivors - sharing your experience of justice. If you would like to be connected to organisations that you can work with to help raise awareness, advocate for change, or share your experience to inspire others we can support you on this part of your journey. Organisations include but are not limited to:

At Violet Co we work with survivors of sexual assault in a calm and relaxed environment in our offices in Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne and Adelaide.